Dienstag, 9. September 2014

Behind the food carts 
blog/youtube recommendation


Since I'm just talking about food - obviously that is my favorite topic to talk about :D - I want to show you this amazing blog or youtube channel called "behind the food carts". It is a culinary travel blog, which introduces food carts around the U.S.. There is also a book release coming up.
So if you are a food addict like me and you love to watch how people prepare delicious food and sharing their thoughts they put in that particular dish, that is what you have to see. I could watch this all day long!
I would love to have a food cart myself. I love to cook and you can go anywhere to make people happy with your food. I think we have not enough unique food carts here in Germany, I don't know that many. But I could also be wrong and just out of the loop. So if you know great one's let me know! 

While talking about food carts, a few weeks ago I discovered this movie trailer of "Chef". It is about a cook who then is taking on his own business with his own food cart. I really want to watch this movie. Maybe some of you have already seen it. If you have seen it, please let me know what you think of it! :)


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