Donnerstag, 11. September 2014

in China

Macau is a former Portuguese colony. It was administered by Portugal from the 16th century until the late 1999. It was the last remaining European colony in Asia, so i have read.
The well known TV cook Ching-He Huang introduces Macau, its historical background and of course its food. I like her, she seems really sweet, but I do not know her reputation in the cooking world through. I have seen her BBC food documentary where she travels through China, but that was a while ago. Unfortunately it is not on youtube anymore. I found these little clips I thought were also interesting. As I already mentioned, I enjoy watching trips through other countries and cities and getting to know their food and cooking habits.
I know especially the first video is very done up also very much at the end, I don't like that at all, but the main use for this video is to have a little introduction. I was just so interested, because I had never heard of Macau and that it was influenced by the Portuguese culture. Her BBC documentary had a more down to earth atmosphere, which I liked more.
Ivonne, we have to go there!!!

Short Introduction

Macau's Flavours  

Cooking and Recipe

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