Mittwoch, 10. September 2014

SWR 2 Tandem Recommendations

Pia Eberhardt - fights against the TTIP
 How much is enough? - Living beyond the economic growth

I know this interview and the report have been uploaded a while ago, but I just found this in my collection of things I would like to share. On the way to my workplace I usually listen to music, but also enjoy to listen to radio stations like swr 2 or DLF. They have very interesting interviews and reports. My interests have a very wide range. In this post the focus is on political, economic and social issues. Pia Eberhardt is a political scientist, who works for the non-governmental organisation Corporate Europe Observatory in Brussels and fights against the trade agreement between the EU and the USA called TTIP ( = Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). I listened to the second report before going to Leipzig, so I was very curious about this community, that pursues a vision of an economy which adjusts to social and ecological interests.

Corporate Europe Observatory and the TTIP
Pia Eberhardt

guided tour on big business lobbying & EU decision-making in Brussels:

Leipzig community - Concept of a new economy



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