Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2014

Bucket list - foodXchange

Cathrin Brandes is a lawyer, cookbook author, food blogger and event manager. She founded a private food exchange club, where people can bring their homemade or hand picked food and trade it.

foodXchange website

the rules for "foodXchange"

The private food exchange club is about every last wednesday of the month. The location is the "market hall nine" in Kreuzberg (http://www.markthalleneun.de/) but it can also vary for special occasions.
It is a prive club for a reason. Nobody is conducting a trade or a store. Everybody is participating just for fun and has a passion for cooking, baking, gardening etc. and not because of financial purposes. It is not a public marketplace because otherwise you would have to follow strict public laws and needed a business registration.
To participate in this food exchange club you have to register under foodxchange@web.de and you will automatically become a member of the club. In addition you just have to pay an amount of 2 € as a contribution towards costs.

you can find also more information on facebook: 

Cathrin Brandes' food blog

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