Montag, 13. Oktober 2014

I recently enjoyed!

I am very particular with movies, especially with the ones that claim to be super funny, because most movies have all funny scenes in the trailer, so it is a waste of time to see the whole movie!
I really have to say that "What's in a name" and "The grand budapest hotel" are both very funny movies, but the first one is the one I laughed the most. You wouldn't expect "What's ina name" to be that hilarious just by watching the trailer, because the trailer isn't that funny; so I hesitated a long time to see this movie.
"The grand budapest hotel" was more unique though!
I haven't seen such good movies in a long time. I really recommend to see them!

I recommend "The hundred foot journey"  if you want to have a nice and relaxing movie night. The pictures are amazing and the story is told very nicely! If you have a passion for cooking then it is definately a nice movie to watch.

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