Donnerstag, 11. September 2014

Make-up artist Lisa Eldridge
and a quick desk question

I dedicate this post to my friend Patrick. As I said on the radio show, I know you really would like to get some make-up tips that fit to your daily hat-color choice! Watch closely!
I also know that my friend Tanja will go crazy about this because she is a make-up lover. So this goes out for you too!
Personally I am not a huge make-up fan. My make-up stash is reduced to 3 items - foundation, eyeliner and mascara. Playing around with eyeshadows or lipsticks is not really my thing, but it can look very good on other women.
Nevertheless my connection to those videos is that I like to watch the talented british make-up artist Lisa Eldridge work her magic on other peoples faces. That is definitely one of my girly things to do. She creates beautiful make-up looks but also talks about skin care in general. I think if I really was into make-up I absolutely would follow her advise.
....and I totally forgot her beautiful british accent...I love to listen to that accent! 
Here are some tutorials of her:


effortless beauty - make-up essentials tutorial

Alexa Chung Tutorial

'No make-up' make-up look

Now a bit of a different topic, but a
Lisa Eldridge related question 

More important for me is this awesome dresser or desk which Lisa Eldridge has in her apartment. It's so nice and I desperately want one too! I know you propably also can put this together on your own, but Lisa Eldridge says in her apartment-tour-video that they got it from a woman who lives in Berlin. Allegedly this woman is a drawer collector and each drawer you can see on this picture is from a different decade. If you know about this lady please leave a comment down below and put an end to my drawerless life!

in China

Macau is a former Portuguese colony. It was administered by Portugal from the 16th century until the late 1999. It was the last remaining European colony in Asia, so i have read.
The well known TV cook Ching-He Huang introduces Macau, its historical background and of course its food. I like her, she seems really sweet, but I do not know her reputation in the cooking world through. I have seen her BBC food documentary where she travels through China, but that was a while ago. Unfortunately it is not on youtube anymore. I found these little clips I thought were also interesting. As I already mentioned, I enjoy watching trips through other countries and cities and getting to know their food and cooking habits.
I know especially the first video is very done up also very much at the end, I don't like that at all, but the main use for this video is to have a little introduction. I was just so interested, because I had never heard of Macau and that it was influenced by the Portuguese culture. Her BBC documentary had a more down to earth atmosphere, which I liked more.
Ivonne, we have to go there!!!

Short Introduction

Macau's Flavours  

Cooking and Recipe

Mittwoch, 10. September 2014

Café Vogelfrei
(veggie and vegan)
in Mannheim

After our radio show we went to this nice Café Vogelfrei. They have home made vegan or vegetarian cakes, tarlets, quiches or soups. Whenever I wanted to go there it was closed. Today I have made it and joined the circel of vogelfrei-lovers. I really would like to see this kind of café in Heidelberg.

Café Vogelfrei
C 3, 20
68159 Mannheim

carrot-tomato soup and pizza

For classic lovers

Scampylama Serendipity Selection
at Patrick's radio show in Mannheim

Patrick is a very good friend of mine and has this super cool radio show at the radio station bermudafunk in Mannheim. He is the host of his weekly radio show Scampylama Serendipity Selection. He plays a lot of Caribbean beatzzz, reggaeton, reggae, but also a lot of other styles of music and gives his listeners feedback to different music events he attended. Furthermore he is always happy to welcome guests in his show and therefor has a great variety of music to offer. I really recommend his show to everybody who wants to know more about Caribbean music and is also sick of this mainstream music that other radio stations play all day long. Before I had to drive half an hour to my workplace I listened just a very little amount of time to radio music, mainly in the bathroom. But since spending a lot of time driving, I realized how annoying it is to listen to the same songs on the radio all over again every single day! Patrick will fire up your ears with his hot music records!!!
It's so much fun to produce a radio show especially when my friend Noam is around. During the songs we went crazy-dancing and had a blast!

  Tune in on wednesdays at 4 pm
Mannheim UKW 89,6 MHz & Heidelberg UKW 105, 4 MHz

Check out todays show:

SWR 2 Tandem Recommendations

Pia Eberhardt - fights against the TTIP
 How much is enough? - Living beyond the economic growth

I know this interview and the report have been uploaded a while ago, but I just found this in my collection of things I would like to share. On the way to my workplace I usually listen to music, but also enjoy to listen to radio stations like swr 2 or DLF. They have very interesting interviews and reports. My interests have a very wide range. In this post the focus is on political, economic and social issues. Pia Eberhardt is a political scientist, who works for the non-governmental organisation Corporate Europe Observatory in Brussels and fights against the trade agreement between the EU and the USA called TTIP ( = Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). I listened to the second report before going to Leipzig, so I was very curious about this community, that pursues a vision of an economy which adjusts to social and ecological interests.

Corporate Europe Observatory and the TTIP
Pia Eberhardt

guided tour on big business lobbying & EU decision-making in Brussels:

Leipzig community - Concept of a new economy



Urban Gardening
Berlin and Tokyo

About Prinzesinnengarten
Prinzessinnengarten Blog

Dienstag, 9. September 2014

arte plus 7
colombian funfair
culinary adventures in Asia

My favorite TV channel is "arte". Since I have no TV I watch it online at arte plus 7. I haven't browsed through the media library for at least one month. Today I thought it was time to look for new and interesting TV reports. I found two reports I want to share with you.

One is about a Colombian who owns funfair rides for children. He travels through small villages of the Anden in Colombia to brighten up the weekends of the children. Coming from Colombia I am always so excited to watch documentations. Naturally I want to know more about my country.

I was so happy to see that the famous german cook Sarah Wiener is back with her culinary adventures. This time she travels through Asia to find out more about the asian food traditions.
She travels through several countries to learn about the individual cooking habits and flavors. I have seen all of her other series were she traveled through Italy, France, Austria etc. I know the opinions about her are divided, but I love this mixture of cooking, showing the origin of the products/ingredients and that they also throw in historic and geographic aspects of the region. She seems to have a very warm character and approaches everyone so openly. At least this is what I see when I watch her series.

Behind the food carts 
blog/youtube recommendation 

Since I'm just talking about food - obviously that is my favorite topic to talk about :D - I want to show you this amazing blog or youtube channel called "behind the food carts". It is a culinary travel blog, which introduces food carts around the U.S.. There is also a book release coming up.
So if you are a food addict like me and you love to watch how people prepare delicious food and sharing their thoughts they put in that particular dish, that is what you have to see. I could watch this all day long!
I would love to have a food cart myself. I love to cook and you can go anywhere to make people happy with your food. I think we have not enough unique food carts here in Germany, I don't know that many. But I could also be wrong and just out of the loop. So if you know great one's let me know! 

While talking about food carts, a few weeks ago I discovered this movie trailer of "Chef". It is about a cook who then is taking on his own business with his own food cart. I really want to watch this movie. Maybe some of you have already seen it. If you have seen it, please let me know what you think of it! :)


Breakfast time
Berlin - Hamburg - London


We stumbled over this really sweet Café by accident. We had no idea where to drive, we just knew we wanted to have breakfast. So we parked our car in a random street and walked for like 1 minute and there it was!
It is one of the nicest Cafés I have ever been. The furniture-styles are so different, but everything is so nicely put together. It is such lovely Café.
It is in a very beautiful and quiet street, so get that peaceful feeling.
Inside you can also find a small store, where you can buy bits and bobs for your home.


What I really liked about this Café is its unique style. I don't know if they have changed anything by now, because it looks a bit different on facebook.
One of my favorite parts was - and I know that sound funny - the way to the restrooms and the ladies room itself. The way was lit-up by little candles on the floor. And in the ladies room you could here the sound of an old Heinz Erhardt movie, which I thought was so retro and cool. That reminded me of my child hood. We used to watch old movies with my father on sundays.

Schulterblatt 88
20357 Hamburg


I guess everybody knows the breakfast club, it is very popular and so we had to wait in line for 30 minutes or so. I had porridge with mixed berries, toasted almonds and honey and also a pulled pork sandwich (= slow roasted BBQ pork and red Leicester on a toasted bun with pickled gherkins, skin-on chips and coleslaw). I know a pulled pork sandwich is not that common for breakfast, but i am obsessed with it! For me there is NO wrong time to eat it!

Ice cream & Waffles
in Berlin


Cutest little place. Muy rico!


That one is still on my bucket list, but I have heard that it is super nice.

Montag, 8. September 2014

 in Berlin-Mitte

This springtime I went to Frankfurt an der Oder with a friend. So we abosultely had to make a stop in Berlin on the way back. That evening we met with friends of him and they wanted to show us this super delicious japanese restaurant, but unfortunately it was overcrowded, so we had to go somewhere else. So I had this restaurant in my mind ever since and had it on my bucket list.

By the way this couple we went out this night, gave us a super nice tour through the city. (Thank you so much!) I had a very great time with them, despite having problems to stay awake in some moments, because at this point i was up for almost 24 hours. The tour ended having the best Döner of my life at:

Mustafa’s Gemüse Kebap
Mehringdamm 32
10961 Berlin 

Everyone knows that food cart. Usually it is super crowded and so many people wait in line, but not at the time we were there - at 2 am in the morning.

That actually reminds me of another private-car-city-tour that summer which was such a blast (Thanks to DJ David & Noam Tours) and we also ended up - pretty much around the same time - eating at Mustafa's Gemüse Kebap.

A friend of mine is convinced that the secret ingredients are not just the grilled vegetables but also this extra splash of lemon.


But enough rambling point of the story is that months later - thanks to that recommendation of this nice couple - I went to this restaurant and could experience a major food-orgasm in my mouth. Oh my was sooo good. I know it doesn't look that special but I cant't rave enough about it. Just try this miso-sauce-dish and hopefully you will get that same feeling in your mouth ;).

breaded pork cutlet with miso-sauce on rice


Dresden in such a beautiful and imposing city that we had to walk all over the place to see all these impressive old buildings. In the late afternoon I found this restaurant called "brennNessel" as a recommendation on my smart phone. So we gave it a shot because all the other places I had found didn't appeal to me. It is a few minutes of footway away from the center in quiet area. They have a super nice, small back porch and because of the warm weather we wanted to sit outside but either the tabels were occupied or reserved. So we had to sit inside which was also totally fine.
We were positively surprised to find so many delicious dishes on the menu (

Sorry that the picture is so blurry but i made it with my cell phone camera. And I know it is really not that pretty because we were already eating, but let me tell you, otherwise we would have died of starvation. So just ignore that and let's focus on the flavor which was the BEST!

What we ate:

Food on the bottom: iceberg salad with strawberries, avocado, mozzarella balls with pine nuts, balsamic vinegar cream with and pita bread
Food on the top: sweet potato-papaya casserole with peanutbutter, peppers, sugarsnaps, leeks, sheep's cheese instead of goat cheese, coconut milk and peanuts

For desert I had this delicious pancake with honey, figs and whipped cream

 So whenever you are in Dresden, pleeeeaaase go there and give it a shot too!

Sonntag, 7. September 2014

in Connewitz

At the end of July I participated in a 3-girls-road-trip-get-away which was a blast. From Berlin we drove to Leipzig and Dresden.

A few days before we went to Berlin, we had to interview a roommate to tell us more about Leipzig and where we had to go, because we had never been to Leipzig before. And of course we had to ask him where to go for good food!So he recommended this place called "Atacolypse", which is a vegan restaurant located in district "Connewitz". They offer you vegan mexcian inspired food.
You can sit also outside as well as inside. The ground outside is made of gravel. They have several tables with normal chairs or bar stools. In the back you can also find a metal porch swing. Next to the restaurant area are just other gardens from the neighborhood. 
We were sitting outside because of the beautiful weather. It was very peaceful and quiet.
I know I repeat myself when I talk about foodplaces I recommend, but it kind of comes with it: The food is soooo tasty! Although it is mexican inspired food and  I am a meat-lover, I didn't miss the meat at all! It was one of those moments when you as a meat-fan get the motivation to abandon meat from your menu because you realize that meat is so unnecessary for a good flavor in your mouth. 
Usually the mexican kitchen has a lot of meat. So I really liked the fact that it was perfect even without it.

Down in the picture: When the food was served there were actually more nachos and no bite mark on the burrito. :D I had to take a bite and eat nachos before taking a picture because I was so hungry.
This is the food cart.

I had a burrito with salad, tomatoes, guacamole and mashed pintobeans with nachos on the side. Also i got fried potato wedges with mixed spices and limes. There also were two sauces for dipping, but I can't remember the ingredients. But it was delicious, one was very spicy though.

 Wolfgang Heinze Str. 38, 04277 Leipzig

 more Information

Some music I recently listen to 


1. Beyoncé feat. Nicki Minaj - Flawless (Remix)

 2. Beyonce ft. Jay Z - Drunk in Love

3. Shannon Saunders - Sheets 
 (Shannon is a british artist and songwriter.
You can also find her on youtube.
She is so gifted and I love that song of hers!
She will soon release her album.)

 4. Bank - Beggin for Thread

5. Lorde - Tennis Court (Diplo's Andre Agassi Reebok Pump Remix)

6. Daniela Andrade - Crazy (Cover)

7. Tori Kelly - All in my head (acoustic)

8. Will Smith - Gettin' jiggy with it
(I love to goof around with a friend to that song :D )

Flea market loot
in Frankfurt

Sachsenhausen‘s Shaumainkai stree
Schaumainkai in Sachsenhausen
Sachsenhausen‘s Shaumainkai stree

First of all I have to say that I looove flea markets! So whenever there is one near by I want to go there. As everyone knows you can find rare or one of a kind things. What I also find very appealing to flea markets is that you have to "work" (work as in browsing closely through the stuff) in order to find beautiful things. Often everythings is thrown together in no real order.

The flea market is located right at the riverside. You have the scernery of the Frankfurter skyline and this harbor atmosphere which is so beautiful in spring or summer.

Opening hours are every second saturday - except on holidays - from 9 am
 to 2 pm.

When we were searching through the market stalls  i saw this beautiful leather bag. And I was instantly drawn to it. Thankfully the lady gave me a discount. I really like the combination of the leather and the metal handle.

I also found these amazing old glasses - there are six of them - which I also noticed right away. I bought them at this market stall where the vendor was the cutest old man. He was super sweet and nice and he also gave me a discount. My friends and I were so taken by him that we joked about taking him home with us. He was so lovely! He has a lot of old glasses. I don't know if his stall is always in the same place, but if you want to buy old glasses just look out for a cute old man who is accompanied by a very nice woman.

(veggie and vegan)
in Kreuzberg

This is a recommendation of a friend of mine, who lives in Berlin. She is a vegetarian and loves food as much as I do. We are definitely major foodbuddies.
As we were walking back home, we wanted to sit down somewhere to have a coffee and maybe a snack. So she said: "Let me show you this super nice restaurant Seerose! It has fresh food and salads that you can put together yourself."
She has a great taste so whenever she recommends something I just know that it has to be good!
I am so sorry, that I can't show you more pictures of the restaurant. Or again maybe I just want YOU to go there to see it! :)
It is nicely done up and they play classical music (which in my experience you can't find that often). So for a classical music lover like me (i used to play the violin) this place is also relaxing and calming.

We had a coffe and had this delicious desert. It is an persian dish which is a saffronpudding with rosewater ( and I guess also other spices) and almonds on top. They have also other sweet things to offer. But that day this dish had its premiere. It was so sweet when the lady asked us how we liked it and told us that it was the first day they offered it. It really shows that they care about the food and their guests!

desert or just a sweet snack

Again...I just can say that you HAVE TO go there!!! ;)